Monday, August 11, 2014

Looking for Alaska Pt. 4

I chose Looking for Alaska mainly because it was written by John Green. I really loved The Fault in Our Stars and I was wanting to read a book by him again. The name of the story also intrigued me because I thought it would be about some wilderness adventure in Alaska but it was really about a secretly troubled soul named Alaska not the actual state. I didn`t really find any personal connections between myself and this book. I don`t have any troubled past and I do not attend a boarding school. I would recommend this book to other teenage girls because it is a lot like The Fault in Our Stars and a lot of teenage girls really loved that book. They also loved the movie. The book is also kind of a twisted love story between two very different people. Opposites attract.

Looking for Alaska Pt. 3

""No drugs. No drinking. No cigarettes." As an alumnus of Culver Creek, he had done the things I had only heard about: the secret parties, streaking through hay fields (he always whined about how it was all boys back then), drugs, drinking, and cigarettes. It had taken him a while to kick smoking, but his badass days were now well behind him." (Green 7) I chose this passage because it kind of intrigues the reader and shows how this book could contain some crazy experiences you want to read between the characters and how if it was like that back then for Miles` dad what it would be like now for kids their age. This passage also infers that Miles had chosen this school for all the crazy -experiences.This hooks the readers in wanting them to read more about what`s going to happen that will change Miles life forever. This passage also infers about the girls that were now accepted into Culver Creek and how there might be experiences that Miles has never had before with girls and making new friends that he will get into some trouble with.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Looking for Alaska Pt. 2

In this book, Alaska desires a good time and to forget about her hardships at home. I also think that Alaska does desire Pudge a little too because she did admit to liking him a little and wanting to "hookup" with him. I also think Alaska desires closure between her past and her present I think the past of her mom`s death. Pudge, desires Alaska plain and simple. Everything about her fascinates him and he can`t stand the fact that she has a boyfriend and sometimes doesn`t seem interested in him. Alaska is such a free spirit and can`t stand the fact of being held down. Theme`s beginning to appear in this story are breaking out of your shell and experiencing the world. Also, to never give up on something you want. The book is structured in a way that tells the story in way of everything that happened before Alaska got in her wreck an died. Then, it has a ending section of the book that tells about the aftermath of Alaska`s death and how they coped with it. Some blamed it on her mom`s anniversary of her death and others blamed it on Alaska`s on guilt for not calling 911 when her  mother was about to die.

Looking for Alaska

The main characters in Looking for Alaska are Miles "Pudge" Halter and Alaska Young. Alaska is a charismatic, young, eccentric individual who doesn`t seem to have a worry in the world. Miles however is a shy teenage boy who is stuck in an awkward phase where he doesn`t have many friends and can`t seem to make any. He makes the rash decision to follow in his father`s footsteps and attend Culver Creek boarding school right outside Birmingham, Alabama. The setting for this novel is in Alabama at a boarding school where Miles meets the intimidating Alaska, who intrigues him. There`s conflict in this story that involves Pudge and Alaska. Pudge is madly in love with Alaska and doesn`t know what to do about his feelings for her since she has a boyfriend. Throughout the book they struggle with their sexual tension. When I was reading this story it reminded me of one of my friends and a boy she liked but didn`t know what to do about it. They would always hang out and liked each other but neither of them wanted to admit it. Nothing ended up happening just like Alaska and Pudge but they both had regrets in the end of the "relationship". Some questions I have are why didn`t Pudge just tell Alaska what his true feelings were?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Lush

Samantha was really worried in the chapters I read because her little brother Luke is five and fell off the counter and cracked his head opened and had a bunch of brusies on his face from falling and everything. LUke doesnt remeber much at all. The family rushes luke to the hospital and gets him in right away. He got surgery on his head and had to stay in the hospital for 2 days got out went home and he had to relax and not go to school for a month.

Samantha was really worried and about Luke and Samantha and Lukes dad never checked on Luke or came to the hospital because he was drinking the night beofre because he was stressted from work. Samantha was so dispoitned in her dad she cried and cried. Luke didnt really know what was happening still he shouldnt really know whats happening anyways because he is so young and little. Samantha is so worried on how Luke's going to look afterwards or is he ever going to look the same with the whole thing that happened. Samantha checks on him every second of the day because shes scared hes not going to be alive with all the medication hes taking because hes so young to be on it all. If i was Samantha I would be really be worried and scared if I had a little brother going threw the same thing.

I really feel terrible for Samantha because shes going threw a hard time right now She has to act the mother of Luke and handle things all indepent again. I thought everything was going in the book when i read last but everything is going down hill. I really hope Samantha is happy again and everything works out with her and her family and hope that Samantha wont have to worry about much anymore.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Last sONG

My blog post is about Ronnie and how she had to go to her dads all summer and she thought her parents hated her so much. Ronnie disiked how she had to go to her dads all summer and wanted to stay at her moms because she wanted to hangout with her friends all summer. Ronnie thought it was going to be horrible and she would hate it. thrw the book she realized she met some grest people and she realized how lucky she was to spend time with her dad because he was ill and had this horrible sickness called cancer. before Ronnies dad died she started to get really close with him and played the piano with him. Ronnie and Will finally started talking and dated and was worried about after she moved back with her mom and they palnned to go the same college together. Ronnie was so happy after Will and her started talking. Will helped threw evrything with her dad and made her have a better time. Ronnie really realzied that dont blow off her dad all summer because you never know what going to happen.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


The part im blogging about today is that Samantha's Dad stopped drinking for good and her family loves that he doesnt come home wasted or drunk out of his mind anymore. Hes always sober and happy with her whole entired family now. Samatha still writes notes to her older friend "sister" she calls her. They talk about everything together. Samantha really was greatful that she had some person in her life to tell everything to and to have some one next to her 24/7. Samantha was really struggling in the beginning with her life. Then she handled all by her self Samantha had to be a strong person to do everything by her self and handing her school problems and problems at home.Samantha sat down with her friends because her friend noticed that she wasnt happy anymore and samantha told them the problems about her house and her dad and didnt judge Samantha for any of it. Samantha was happy and releaved that they didnt judge her for any of it. Samantha is a new person and happy about a lot now that she knows her dad stopped his drinking problem and that her family is so happy with everything. Now she doesnt have to be worried about anything. Samantha can just walk around now with out any thing in her mind. Plus shes too young to worry about her family probelms i think personally that the parents should of figured it out because they put to much pressure on the kids. Samanthas brother didnt really know what was going on because he was only 5 so she just had to take it all in by her self. thank god she had a friend in the libary that was like her older sister. Samantha had this huge courage in her self to go to talk that junuior in her school that she saw in the libary because if she never talked or sent a ltter to her she would still be alone and have no one to talk to too. I am glad samantha and her family are happy.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Fahrenheit 451

This book i dont really like it in my opioion. Theres too much going on for me to handle. But i still try my hardest trying to understand the book. I dont really believe that this book is right about the future but you never know what will happened. Im going to stay after school and get help and understand more of the book. But i cant wait to finsih it and see what happens!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


This week i am blogging about the same book Lush and i have been reading a couple chapters and its about how her dad stops drinking. Samantha was so excited and happy that her dad had not only stopped drinking but only having 1 a week. It made her feel so good and warm inside. The girl in the library writes back to her because she thought that this girl could be her older sister. Now they are so close and talk about everything together. I predict what going to happen is that the ending is going to hapened very happy and a posstive attudide. I am so happy for Samantha and hope that everything works for her! I cant wait to read more!