Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Last Song

In chapter 14 Ashely comes up to Ronnie and found out that she got taken to the aqurium with Will and Ashely was telling her that how he takes every girl there and Ronnie would just stare at Ashely and Ronnie got so upset that she told Ashley to just shut up and walked away. Will saw Ashely talking to Ronnie and was scared what Ashely said to Ronnie. Will came to Ronnie's house that night and Ronnie did not go out of the house to see Will. Will wanted to apolgize to Ronnie. Will waited down by the water in the backyard of Ronnies house. Ronnie did not go out there and she let Will sleep down by the water by his self. The next morning Jonah Ronnie's brother asked Ronnie "how long is he going to stay there?" "is that your boyfriend?" Ronnie stated to Jonah it wasnt her boyfriend and to just leave her alone. Ronnie finally walked down to where he was and she sat down and said what do you want. Will says what did Ashely say to you and she said what Ashel;y told her and Will said thats not true at all she is my ex Ronnie dont believe anything she says. Ronnie said no we can just be better as friend. Will wouldnt stop apolizging to Ronnie but she fianlly said its fine. They made up and Will went home and Ronnie went inside.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Last Song

In chapter thirteen a lot of things that happened. There is a turtle nest in Ronnie's backyard and she called the aqurium people and told them that racoons were trying to get to the turtles and Will worked at the aqurium and helped Ronnie threw all of it. That night Ronnie slept outside because she was scared that the turtles were goung to get eaten so she slept outsaide next to the turtles all of sudden Ronnie hears a noise behind her and it was Will trying to come and sit next tp her. Will asked if he could sleep out there with Ronnie and Ronnie kept saying stop flirting with me juts lwave already. Ronnie gave in and let Will sleep outside with her. If that was me i would never wanna sleep outside because it wuld be scary on night and its on a beach so it would be even worse. The next morning Will woke up next to Ronnie's brother and asked Will a lot of questions. Ronnie came out from taking a shower and getting breakfast. Will asked Ronnie if she wanted to go to the aqurium with her and Ronnie was arguing with him and telling him to stop liking her and i dont wanna go on a date with you. If i was Ronnie i would love to go on a date with Will and go to the aqurium with him. They went and Ronnie kept telling him it wasnt a date. Ronnie ended up having so much fun with Will. After a couple days Ashely Will's Ex girlfriend told Ronnie that he takes everyone to the aqurium the first date so dont feel special. i wouldnt believe that because Ashely just wants him back and jealous that Ronnie and him are talking. Ronnie started screamig at Will and telling him "whats wrong with you?" "why would you do that?" were done.

Will started saying back Ronnie "I wanted to take you there dont listen to Ashely that was just between me and you" "I've never felt this way before Ronnie please trust me on this one" Ronnie still didnt believe him after a couple days Will went to her house and apoligize for everything. Ronnie fianlly went out there and she apolizged and Ronnie said "ive never felt this way before either Will i just got scared. "We had so much fun at the aqurium and i know you dont like Ashley. i dont understand why Ronnie got so mad in the first place? Will took his own time to go over Ronnies house and sit the backyard until she would come out.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Last Song

In chapter 10, 11 & 9 Ronnie has become her self by meeting Blaze and becoming more friendly to everyone. Ronnie has talked to Will a couple times by going into resturants or stores and seeing Will. Will, will always come up to her to say hi Ronnie would get imbrassed because of what happend at the beach. Ronnie is starting to hangout with Blaze and her boyfriend more. They went to a bonfire with her and Blaze and her boyfriends says to Ronnie "get me a drink" Ronnie says "get it yourself" so Blaze decided to get up and get it for him. Blaze left to go get something to drink for her boyfriend right when Blaze left the boyfriend was all over Ronnie and trying to get with her. Ronnie kept saying "whats wrong with you, you have a girlfriend". "Get off me". Blaze was walking back and thought Ronnie got with her boyfriend and Blaze came up to her saying "whats wrong with you?" "I cant believe you would do this to me?" Blaze took her boyfriend off of her took his hand and ran away with him and left Ronnie there. Blaze should of believed Ronnie and not leaving her there no one should ever do that. After that Blaze and Ronnie didnt talk again because Blaze didnt like her at all. I am curios if Ronnie will ever talk to her again?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Last Song

 In chapter 5 After Will ran into Ronnie at the beach of the volleyball tournament he couldn't stop thinking about her. He wanted to redo that whole night and start it over again. Scott and Will were talking and he told will that he accidentaly set the chruch on fire. it was Scott. Will says "i have to tell Ronnie's dad, what are you doing with this"? Scott says "No that serect says between us". "Dont tell anyone". Some people make mistakes in life but i wouldnt tell anyone that huge secret thats huge to tell someone that. In chapter 6, Ronnie gets taken home by the cops because she is out passed her curfew. she gets home that night and her dad is screaming at her. Ronnie went to bed all mad and upset. She wakes up the next morning very early 8:00 am on a on a summer day she was confused why she was up so early. she tried and tried to go back to sleep but her dad was playing the piano to loud. So Sleep was out of the question. Ronnie went to the kitchen and heard her dad playing the piano and didnt talk to him. Ronnie says "Stop treating me like a 5 year old, im 17. Ronnie says "Dont yell at the for what i do and what time i am home at night" Ronnie doesnt understand that you have to get yelled at sometimes to be in the right lead. Ronnie's dad was trying to kiss up to Ronnie by making her bacon but Jonah says "She's a vegertarian, Dad". "Really?" the Dad says. Jonah answered "For three years. But she's weird sometimes sop it makes sense. Why would she be weird sometimes when you're a vegertarian you always have to be one. Right? After she was mad that her dad didnt know she was a vegertarian she yelled "I've already gone three years without talking to you, and it was the easiest thing I've ever done". That was to hard on Ronnie's dad to say that. If she said that to me i would be hurt for a couple days. I think everyone would be mad and hurt if someone said that to them. In the real world now a days kids are always late when they are out to late or with there friends. this relates to me because i was late one time because i was out with my friends and i got yelled by my mom. After that Ronnie showered put on some clothes and ran down to the beach. Ronnie wished her best friend Kayla was with her so she could lay out on the beach with her not alone. So Ronnie decided to maybe go find a job. I mean i would want a job if i was alone and didnt have any money. Ronnie never found a job and just went back home and layed down and aplogize to her dad. These 2 chapters dont really remind of a book they just remind me of the real world and whats going on in the world now a days.